Sunday, August 24, 2014

Choosing AC meets the needs of

AC (air conditioner) has become a necessity for many people, especially in Indonesia, where the air is always hot even in the rainy season. 
Here we provide some tips on how to choose the air conditioner according to your room size. 
BTU (British Thermal Units) 
Usually calculated from the amount of air conditioning units BTU (British Thermal Units), the higher the BTU, the greater the room that can be "cooled". Although in Indonesia who often wears many units of "PK" but most of the unit is less representative to calculate the AC needs to be used. 
When you buy air conditioner with a BTU is too large, not just the problem of the waste of money and power but also can be detrimental to health (such as moisture problems are not either / dry). 
So to find out how big BTU we need? The simplest way is to use this simple formula is P (length of the room) x L (room width) x 500 and the result is the amount of BTUs you need, such as your room is 3 x 2 m, BTUnya is 3 x 2 x 500 = 3,000 BTU. 
The position of the air conditioner in the room 
In addition to BTU, which is not less important is that the AC will be placed as if the air conditioner is put on sun-exposed parts of the course will be slightly reduced level compared with the air-conditioning cooling are placed on the more shaded (shaded). 
Another thing that (may) need to be considered: 
- If the room is fairly calm then you can reduce the BTU capacity of up to 10% 
- If the room is a lot of sun, then you can add the BTU capacity by 10% 
- If the room is always filled by two people or more, you should add 600 BTUs for each person 
- If the air conditioner is used in the kitchen, add 4,000 BTU 
- Also do not forget, if sufficient electrical power used for electricity capacity in your home, count all the electricity needs to be used because if too close to the total capacity of the possibility of electrical power in your home often experience sudden death (less power). 
- There are many additional features offered by the manufacturer but choose one that suits your needs.

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