Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Problems in Split AC

FLUSHING (AC Pipeline Cleaning, Indoor & outdoor) air conditioning ever experienced a leak in the pipes will usually cause the oil in the compressor up to the pipeline and also settles on the indoor pipe, which causes the oil sludge circulation becomes smooth freon leak though already be resolved, the AC will not be able to reach a temperature of 20 c, there is a way to restore back to normal as new air conditioner that is the way in Flushing how to cope with clogged Ac ?? before we convict conditioning clogged we first identify the first symptoms arising from clogged air conditioner.
1 Measure the Manifold gauge, the needle on the unstable manifold (sometimes up and down)
2 There was a noise (sound of rustling water) on the indoor if there are symptoms immediately contact the nearest AC service because when on leave will result in compressor damage.
Ways to Overcome Flushing AC clogged
Clean air conditioning and a gas pipeline that connects the indoor to the way in Flushing. AC Flushing Method: - plug the manifold, the yellow hose pipe to be in flushing (small pipe) connect the blue hose on the Use of Freon R11 Freon tubes to remove oil or dirt that settles on the pipeline, plug the red hose on the tube freon R22, open tube and faucet R11 (fully open) to R11 can flow into the pipe, after the R11 lid back into the faucet pipe and tube R11, proceed with opening the R22 freon tubes and red hose faucet to encourage R11, closed by hand on a large pipe press firmly until the high pressure and then shut off again, the oil will dissolve with R11 (do repeatedly until no residual freon R11). The way to do absolutely no more oil in the pipeline.
Flushing Outdoors with R11. Cutting the pipe highpres & lowpres connected to the compressor (to avoid R11 into the compressor) then do flushing as stated above, be sure to change the filter and a capillary tube with a new one. Having air conditioning in indoor & outdoor flashing also pipeline connecting the two pairs of re-conditioned before doing freon fill the vacuum in the compressor so that no air is trapped inside the resulting air conditioner will not cool despite being in flushing. when the way is hard to do in the only way to buy a new air conditioner must cool.


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